
7th and 8th Grade Band

Hello! We are looking forward to seeing you! During digital learning there will not be a split between beginning and advance band. All brass and percussionists are in one period and all woodwinds are in the other. We will return to  split level ensembles when we are back to face-to-face instruction. Please disregard the course name.  We will not be offering the double-block band option until we are back to face-to-face instruction. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at Yay Band!

Allatoona Band

Rising 9th Grade Students and Parents, Don't forget to sign up to be a part of the 2020 Marching Buccaneers! 

This Week in Band

Parents and Students, The One Note has been updated with this weeks assignments: April 20-27 Also, we will be having Zoom classroom on Tuesday the 21st and Thursday the 23rd with times as Follows: 6th Grade Band 2-2:20 pm 7th Grade Band 2:20-2:40 pm 8th Grade Band 2:40-3 pm Please check the One Note for the meeting ID and password. Yay Band, Matt Segars

This Week in Band

The Durham Band OneNote has been updated with this week's assignments: Apr. 13-17 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at Yay Band!

Fall Scheduling for 8th Grade

Dear Parents and Students, We hope that all of you are doing well and being safe in these trying times.  As we look forward to next year we are trying to put together our schedule for classes.  We have attached a form to fill out for our schedule for next year, all students need to complete this form The rising 8th Grade Students at Durham are given a couple more options of classes that they can take for Connections.  The Band students specifically are given the option to take 2 hours of Band meaning that both of their connections would be a Band class.  The first would be Band as they have had it in the last 2 years at Durham.  The second would include the following:     1. Year Long Class     2. Manditory audition for Honor Band/All-State     3. Manditory solo and ensemble participation     4. Manditory audition to be in the Symphonic Band at Durham     5. This class will ...

Fall Scheduling For 7th Grade

Dear Parents and Students, We hope that all of you are doing well and being safe in these trying times.  As we look forward to next year we are trying to put together our schedule for classes.  In 7th Grade Band we have full band classes meaning brass, woodwind, and percussion would all be in the same class together.  In combining all of the students we place them into classes based on auditions at the end of the year.  These auditions include scales, prepared music, and sight reading.  If you are interested in being considered for the Symphonic class please indicate this on the form attached, anyone not taking an audition will automatically be placed in the Concert class.  We have attached a form to fill out for our schedule for next year, all students need to complete this form.          Thank You, Matt Segars      Selena Sanchez

This Week in Band

The Durham Band OneNote has been updated with this week's assignments: Mar. 30-Apr. 3 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at Yay Band!